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Script Assessment Services

T.V.; Film; Theatre; and Radio

*This service is for scripts. If you want prose assessment, please visit Manuscript Services.*


This is a script assessment service tailored specifically to the needs of aspiring writers of drama, encompassing screenwriting, writing for the theatre, and radio drama. Our script assessors are working practitioners with many years experience of script editing and producing. You can find out more about Naida and Andrew here.

My script was handled with insight and flair. Highly recommended.

Below are the prices for drama script assessment:


Screenplay, theatre script or radio drama script up to 50 pages    £200
Screenplay, theatre script or radio drama script up to 100 pages  £350
Scripts longer than 100 pages:   £350 + £5 for every 10 pages thereafter.


For this you will get:

  • a full breakdown of areas of improvement which will focus on plot, character, point of view, settings and style. This will take the form of a report which can be anything from 5 to 20 pages long.

  • suggestions about style, possible cuts, character motivations etc in the form of inline comments which you can accept or reject

  • basic editing (i.e. spelling and grammar) in the form of inline comments which you can accept or reject. N.B. This is not a copy writing service but a way of showing you your mistakes. We therefore do not guarantee to pick up all grammar and spelling mistakes but will point them out where possible and when they detract from the story.

  • Suggestions for how this script could be developed, which producers or production companies you might approach, ideas for getting the script produced.


Because this is a bespoke service, we would very much like to talk to you before you send your work to us. Please contact us at 

The Writers' Company, Wivenhoe, Colchester, 

By writers, for writers

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